What is BTU
The British thermal unit (BTU or Btu) is a traditional unit of energy equal to about 1055 joules. It is the amount of energy needed to cool or heat one pound of water by one degree Fahrenheit. In science, the joule, the SI unit of energy, has largely replaced the BTU.
The BTU is most often used as a measure of power (as BTU/h or BTUH) in the power, steam generation, heating, and air conditioning industries, and also as a measure of agricultural energy production (BTU/kg). It is still used in metric English-speaking countries, and remains the standard unit of classification for air conditioning units manufactured and sold in many non-English-speaking metric countries. – Wikipedia
How do you calculate the BTU size?
Here follows as a guide only. For a precise heat load calculation, contact Crystal Air. For offices, homes and your average area requiring air conditioning always keep the following factors in mind:
20m² × 600 = 12000btu air con needed for area
The basic rule of thumb is to measure the length and breadth of the room and determine the area, then to times that with 600btu per square meter.
Eg: 5m × 4m = 20m²
20m² × 600 = 12000btu air con needed for area